Saturday, May 16, 2015

Blueberry Oat Chips Review!

These taste gooooodddd. Like real good. 

The texture is actually strange, it is like a mini rice cake but with little oat flakes covering the outside. There are I think 5 (?) flavors. 

It was dark in my room when I took this, so you can't really see the actual texture. There are 3 servings in this bag and each serving is I think 110 calories and 22 carbs and 1.5 fat. I ate the whole bag. So there's that. They are pretty tiny and I was hungry so I just though, hey CARBS. 😂 I think I would like these better if I had gotten a zestier flavor and not a sweet one but the store I went to only had this and the caramel corn one. 

I give this a 6.5 out of 10. 

Happy living, Macy. 

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