Saturday, May 9, 2015

Live your life happily

As I sit here writing this post, I know there are millions of girls (and boys) out there that are feeling insecure about themselves. I just wanna say, you ARE worth it. I know what it feels like to be told you aren't good enough, pretty enough, smart enough. You know who's opinion matters the most? Yours of yourself.

Think about it, In twenty years are you really going to be still crying over the bad grade you got on a test? Bad Track Meet? They boy you like didn't like you back? The answer is most likely not.

GO OUT THERE and live your life to your fullest.

The only person stopping you is you.

You know they saying, "MIND OVER MATTER"? Completely accurate. If you tell yourself that you're a failure, how are you ever going to believe you're going to succeed?

Success is made with many failures.

Happy Living, Macy. 

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